so for the next six weeks i will be on liquid diet. the last two visits the doctor has decided to keep the jaw immobilized pretty tight, so it's not even gonna be mashed potatoes and applesauce or god forbid meat pulverized in a food processor. i'm not really happy with a diet that looks to be composed of protein shakes. smoothies, and juices. i have a bad feeling it's gonna get expensive.
i lost 15 pounds the first 10 days of my incarceration,...i mean recovery. i wasn't riding, i was on antibiotics and i was in massive pain. the two days i spent in the hospital were pretty much a , the morphine haze. the first 12 hours they were just working to get the swelling down so i could have surgery the next day. i'm nearing my ideal 'fighting weight' 0f 185, for biking i should probably still drop another ten pounds.
so the second i got out the hospital , after i posted gruesome photos on facebook, i went searching nutrition advice. i wasn't happy with sound nutrition advice i rec'd from the hospital's registered dietician. she suggested those nutritional shakes(ensure, boost or generic) or carnation instant breakfast, both of which are sickly sweet and chalky. the odwalla or naked bottled fruit smoothies and protien shakes are better tasting but roll in at $4 a pop. i'm not really adverse to sugar, but you do realize it's not a food group right? there are a few other things i'm still checking out. i could get the blender fired up and start making my own, it is summer and there is plenty of fruit available. next installment we speak of the juicer, it worked for jack lalane
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